Source: USA Today
A new PBS Documentary will highlight the struggle and reality of the pursuit of higher education in prisons.
Though an unlikely narrative that comes to mind, 300 prisoners in New York have had the opportunity to pursue higher education while behind bars through a privately funded college program.
USA Today reports that it’s been decades since prisoners across the country have had the opportunity to pursue higher education behind bars or have been eligible for any type of government money for education.
A new movement amid prison reform advocates is hoping to make education more accessible to prisoners in order to reduce recidivism rates and increase the chances of that individual becoming a contributing member of society.
According to the PBS documentary called “College Behind Bars” points out that 95 percent of prisoners will eventually get out, and the question society has to answer is whether they want former prisoners to been educated and integrate into society, or end up in the same situation again.
Read Full Story: USA Today