Women Harassed out of STEM Careers

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Source: The Atlantic

Young women who are pursuing careers in STEM are frequently harassed to the point of leaving the male-dominated world of Science, Tech, Engineering and Math.

A study conducted by researchers in The Atlantic magazine found that one in three women experienced sexual harassment. A 2014 study of anthropologists and field scientists reported that out of 666 women, 64 percent reported that they had experienced sexual harassment at work.

Extensive research and studies have reported that women who are seeking maternity leave from their jobs in STEM are often given few options, many times denied parental leave or given a hard time. One study found only 15 percent of women in STEM had access to parental leave that covered care taking.

The average age for receiving a doctorate in science or engineering is 32, which is also the age when ‘female infertility decreases,’ as reported by The Atlantic. This makes it difficult for women who want to pursue a career and start a family to do so, when institutions are not supportive or don’t offer parental leave.

A number of steps need to be taken to end sexual harassment and to improve conditions for, and support, women who want to pursue STEM careers. Breaking the stigma around reporting sexual harassment is the first step; requiring universities to report sexual harassment to federal funding agencies; formalizing policies on harassment within institutions.;establishing sexual harassment policies that protect victims and gives harasser due process; and increases in funding to help women attain parental leave and continue their careers thereafter, among other actions.

Read full story at: The Atlantic

Education, Justice & Poverty, News
Education, Justice & Poverty, News