Endangered Species Day: Extinction Program Working to Save Plants and Itself

Koke’e State Park” by Clement Faydi licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: The Verge

Today is endangered species day – observed every year on May 19th – and we’re doing our part to help raise awareness of endangered plant and animal species.

A plant species on the Hawaiian Island of Kaua’i is endangered due to elements introduced to the island.

Psychotria grandiflora, also known as Kopiko, only grows on Kaua’i and is threatened by non-native animals eating its leaves and seeds.

Since most of the Kopiko on the island are female, there are only about 30 plants left on Kaua’i.

The plant is being protected by the Plant Extinction Prevention Program (PEPP), but the organization itself is being threatened by low funds and budget cuts.
As a result of dwindling federal funds to the PEPP, hundreds of plants may face permanent extinction.

Read Full Story: The Verge


Environment, News
Environment, News