Hunger in America Reaches all-time Low Since Great Recession

"middle school lunch room" by woodleywonderworks licensed under CC BY 2.0
middle school lunch room” by woodleywonderworks licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: NPR

The number of families in America experiencing hunger dropped dramatically in 2015 to reach an all-time low since the Great Recession, according to a report by the Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service.

Hunger and food insecurity declined in most categories that are surveyed every year, including for black and Hispanic families, and for families with children and without.

In 2014 there were 422,000 families who reported that their children went without a meal at some point during the year, compared to 274,000 household in 2015.

The number of persons overall that experienced hunger in 2015 dropped to 6.3 million, compared to 6.9 million in 2014.

Overall, 15.8 million households experienced food insecurity in 2015, compared to 17.4 million households who reported the same in 2014.

Free and reduced school lunches as well as independent programs delivering food to children and families have played a major role in securing meals for hundreds across the U.S.

Read full story at: NPR

Children & Families, Justice & Poverty, News
Children & Families, Justice & Poverty, News