Alabama to Partially Dissolve One of Its Most Dangerous Prisons

Source: NPR

The Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore, Alabama will be mostly decommissioned, after years of criticism and reports that the prison is highly dangerous and violent for inmates.

Deadly violence and rape are not uncommon in Alabama’s prison system, reports NPR, and now one of the state’s most dangerous prisons will be taken apart. The William C Holman Correctional Facility will be transferring out more than 600 inmates who will be relocated to a number of different facilities.

NPR reports that approximately 150 “low-risk” prisoners will remain in the institution.

“The movement of people at Holman to other facilities will only exacerbate the already deadly levels of overcrowding and the understaffing of correctional officers and mental health professionals at those facilities,” said C.J. Sandley, senior staff attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center, as reported by NPR.

Alabama’s prison system has long been known for creating dangerous conditions for even the inmates by being overcrowded and understaffed.

Read Full Story: NPR

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