Why Does the Transgender Community Need a Mental Health Diagnosis to Access Care?

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Source: CNN

In order for a transgender person to receive medical care that aligns with their self-identity, they must be labeled with a mental disorder. Though being transgender is not actually a mental illness, it was classified as such until recent years. So why do transgender individuals have to fight for health care?

When it comes to getting a surgery to remove body parts that are identified with one gender or the other, people who are transgender have to do a lot of “convincing” to care providers that the surgery is not for cosmetic purposes.

While being transgender is not a mental illness, other terms have been used to pathologize gender non-conformity, reports CNN, which has further stigmatized being transgender and has made access to proper care a difficult task.

In order to assess the “medical necessity” of a surgery for a transgender person, care providers have created their own guidelines, which some argue are arbitrary, which take into consideration the “cost-effectiveness” of such procedures.

Read Full Story: CNN


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