Sources: USA Today, Quartz, The Huffington Post, Independent, Time, Salon, Newser, Amny
In the wake of President Donald Trump’s executive order to ban citizens from 7 different predominately-Muslim countries from entering the U.S. as a ‘vetting’ measure to “block out the areas of the world that created dangers” for America, several leaders, businesses, and nonprofit organizations have spoken out on measure either in opposition or support of the 90-day ban on citizens of the seven countries, the 120-day measure blocking refugees, and the “indefinite” ban on Syrian refugees.
The nonprofit American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that is dedicated to defending individual civil liberties and rights took immediate action and sued the White House on behalf of two men from Iraq who had just landed in New York after the executive order took effect. The Brooklyn federal judge in the case ruled in favor of the two men, blocking the Presidential order, which many have called “unconstitutional” and “unlawful.” ACLU has since then received over $24M in donations from individual donors in support of defending those impacted by the new rule.
Universities and colleges across the nation responded in solidarity with those impacted by the ban, as several professors and grad students from American universities who are immigrants from the 7 banned countries are unable to re-enter the country after leaving to teach, study or travel. Several University Presidents have publicly denounced Trump’s order, including Harvard University’s Drew Faust, Bucknell University President, John Bravman, and UC System President, Janet Napolitano, according to USA TODAY.
On Sunday, several members of the Screen Actor’s Guild used the annual awards ceremony as a platform of protest, many of them using their speeches to defend those who are targeted by the ban, calling the move “un-American” and “un-representative” of America’s values.
Chicago’s Arch Bishop spoke out against President Trump’s executive order, calling the decision “contrary to American values” and a repeat of a historically “disastrous decision.” He called for solidarity and asked communities to come together.
The company LYFT released a statement in support of ACLU and denounced President Trump’s executive order. They pledged to donate $1M to the nonprofit ACLU over the next four years to “defend our constitution.”
Its competitor UBER was immediately under fire as the CEO Travis Kalanick said that the company would be willing to “partner with anyone in the world as long as they’re about making transportation in cities better, creating job opportunities, making it easier to get around, getting pollution out of the air and traffic off the streets.” He later released a statement explaining that it has always been necessary to work with leaders around the world and that it was important to be able to work with all presidential administrations. He added that UBER supports those who are affected by the executive order and would be offering financial and legal support services to those affected.
Over fifty congressional Republicans support the Muslim-ban, calling it practical to ensure national security, according to the Washington Post.
A recently formed nonprofit organization called “America First Policies,” formed by President Trump’s supporters and top campaign aides, seeks to advance the White House agenda in the coming years. The organization will research and advance Trump’s causes in public policy, as reported by Associated Press.
Read multiple sources: USA Today, Quartz, The Huffington Post, Independent, Time, Salon, Newser, Amny