Source: Huffingtonpost
The richest countries of the world are nowhere near their goals to end poverty and inequality, shows the most recent update from the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Bertelsmann Stiftung (UNSDSN).
UN member states developed and agreed upon 17 goals around battling inequality, poverty and climate change in September of 2015, yet only two of the most powerful countries in the world are currently ranking in the top 10 — with Germany ranking sixth and the UK ranking in tenth place. The United States currently ranks 25th out of 149 countries.
The greatest obstacles stunting progress in the U.S. include income gap, consumption behavior and environmental protection, as reported by The Huffington Post.
The UN established a 15-year bracket to accomplish the 17 outlined goals and has stated that it will continue to provide an annual progress update for the next three years to hold countries accountable and encourage greater public support.
Read full story at: Huffingtonpost